2019 Summer AcademY
From August 5th to August 10th, 2019, wasteLAnd will hold its inaugural Summer Academy for Composition in downtown Los Angles, during which eight composers will participate in an intensive course of study in contemporary music. Activities will include lessons with composition faculty, presentations on instrumental techniques, notation, and interpretation, and one-on-one sessions with fellow participants to share and discuss each other’s music. Each resident composer will have an original work, written in advance, workshopped and premiered in concert by wasteLAnd performers. Pieces involving electronics and other media will be welcome. Additionally, composers will attend presentations on freelance arts administration and observe the inner workings of a presenting organization in a major urban center. The academy will begin with a kickoff concert showcasing composers of the 21st-century avant-garde, include evening excursions to some of LA’s most distinctive spots such as to the Museum of Jurassic Technology, and conclude with a concert of participant premieres and a post-concert celebration in the Arts District.
Participants will:
compose a new work for 3-8 musicians for wasteLAnd’s core performers.
work with Michelle Lou, Michael Pisaro, and Brian Griffeath-Loeb in private composition lessons.
work with wasteLAnd musicians to refine their work and explore instrumental practice.
have their work premiered by core wasteLAnd performers at ArtShareLA.
attend special performances and masterclasses by wasteLAnd directors and performers.
build a personal and professional network with fellow participants through one-on-one meetings.
be immersed in Los Angeles’ Arts District and explore unique arts venues around the city.
Important Dates
February 15: Deadline for application submission
March 15: Successful applicants will be notified
April 15: Participant deposit and signed acceptance form due
July 1: Score and parts of new work due
August 4: Participants arrive in Los Angeles
August 5-10: wasteLAnd Summer Academy
August 10: Performance of participant works at ArtShareLA
August 11: Participants depart
Participant works will be performed by core wasteLAnd musicians, several of whom will also present masterclasses and discussions throughout the Academy. Participants will work with wasteLAnd to determine the instrumentation of their new works for up to eight players and including the possibility of conductor and live electronics. wasteLAnd works with Los Angeles performers dedicated to contemporary music, each with their own unique musical practices; they are soloists, improvisors, pop musicians, studio musicians, orchestral players, and composers, but all share an unusual passion for new music.
The course will be held at ArtShareLA, wasteLAnd’s home base in the heart of Los Angeles’ Arts District. ArtShare will be host to days packed with lessons, rehearsals, and masterclasses. Participant lodging is located less than a block from ArtShare, and the Arts District is home to a wide variety of restaurants, coffee shops, breweries, and arts spaces.
Tuition and Costs
Tuition: $800 USD. A limited amount of financial assistance is available for some participants.
Housing: $200-400 USD. wasteLAnd has arranged subsidized housing for all participants within walking distance of the Academy from Sunday, August 4 to Saturday, August 10 (7 nights). Separate arrangements may be arranged at additional expense to the participant independently or with the help of wasteLAnd.
Meals: Meals are not provided by the Academy.
Travel: A limited amount of financial assistance is available for participants with high travel costs, otherwise participants will be responsible for their travel to/from the Academy.
The 2019 wasteLAnd Summer Academy for Composition is made possible with the friendly support of the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation and the Seidman Family Foundation. wasteLAnd is a project of Fulcrum Arts’ Emerge Fiscal Sponsorship program.